Hi I'm Sheree

I'm a registered Naturopath and Herbalist. I'm also a midlife women, navigating all those changes that unexpectedly appear!

My passion is to help women navigate midlife with as much ease and flow as possible.

I believe that this time of life does not have to be hard work and you don't have to figure it our alone.

If you would like to know if I can help you, book a free call with me and let's chat.

The doctor said "let's keep an eye on it"

I wanted to be a little more proactive,

so I made a time to explore my diet with Sheree.

Time and money well spent!!!


You have asked me more about my health in one appointment than my Doctor has in 50 years.


I went from disrupted sleep, fatigue, bad gut health, hot flushes, bone aches.
no more nanna naps, hot flushes significantly reduced, decent night's sleep, no more pain killers,
overall a new me.
Sheree actually listens, trials what's right for you and really just gets it.
Loving how I feel now can't thank her enough.

Truly life changing.

69 Bank St


Sheree Morgan

