Midlife can be a challenging time, it can feel like ....

... the kilo's are creeping on at a very steady rate,

... energy is a distant memory,

... digestion is just not what it used to be,

... your hormones are on a roller coaster,

... A good night's sleep is something from the past and

... you have more fog than brain!

If you are a woman in your 40's or 50's and need help, you are in the right place!

As a Naturopath I am passionate about helping women in midlife navigate their menopausal years and step into a life of energy, clarity and purpose. I can help you balance your weight, beat the hot flushes and finally get a good nights sleep.​

Everything changes during these years, what worked for you in the past may not work any longer. It's a time for a new approach. I can help you filter through the confusion and with a personalised plan so you can step into the healthiest you ever.

Download your 7 ways in 7 days and start living life again.

Downloading the 7 ways will also add you to my email list from which you can unsubscribe at any time.

1/1 Consultations

Work with me 1/1 to create your own personalised programme.

I will create a plan for you that includes recommendations around diet, lifestyle, herbs and supplements to support your body thorough it's health journey

The Magic of Menopause

Step into Menopause with confidence, so you can make

the next 50 years your best 50 years.

An 8 week group programme to help you navigate your midlife years with ease.

Not sure if I can help? Book a free call and let's chat.

It doesn't have to be hard and you don't have to do it alone.

- Sheree Morgan - Naturopath

You don't have to do this alone.

Join other women on the same journey in the Women in Menopause Facebook Group

69 Bank St


Sheree Morgan

